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Inspiring guests. Unique perspectives. Unconventional ideas. We're stepping outside the box because we're much more than a soap company!

Get Access Only for P&G employees. Access is monitored.

Listen in these apps:

  • Apple Podcasts
  • Spotify
  • YouTube Music
  • Overcast
  • Pocket Casts
  • iTunes
  • Podcast Addict

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Access requires a permitted email address.

By joining, you agree to the terms of use and privacy policy.


How will I listen to my protected podcasts?

You can listen in your preferred podcast app. (See below for a complete list of supported apps.)

After you enter your email address, you’ll get a unique link. Tap the link to open the podcast in your podcast app. A small number of apps may require users to copy their URL and paste it directly into the app.

Can I use my current podcast app?

We support Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Podcast Addict, Castbox, BeyondPod, Downcast, PlayerFM, Breaker, and RadioPublic.

Sorry, but we do not support Stitcher, Podbean, or NPR One.

You’ll also be able to listen to the podcast online.

I am having trouble gaining access to the content.

If you already have an account, visit your account page at

If you see an error message after clicking "Get Access," try clicking here.

For further support, please contact Dorion Positano ( via email or Teams.

Do I need to use my P&G email address to gain access?

Yes - this is an internal-only podcast, just for P&G employees. Once you sign up, you can listen to all current and future episodes on any device using your preferred podcast player.

About More Than Soap...

More Than Soap is a new podcast made by P&G, exclusively for employees, which offers unique perspectives and new ideas from some of the world’s most interesting thinkers & external voices alongside some of P&G’s most inspiring leaders.


Past P&G Guests include: David Taylor, Fama Francisco, Gary Coombe, Shailesh Jejurikar, Tracey Grabowski, Sundar Raman, Alex Keith, Victor Aguilar, John Pepper, Kirti Singh, Guy Persaud, Jen Davis and more.


Past External Guests include: Matthew McConaughey, Malcolm Gladwell, Marc Randolph, Guy Raz, Tim Harford, Annie Duke, Matt Ridley, Dr. Mahzarin Banaji, Oliver Burkeman, Dr. Michele Gelfand and more.


Internal PG Learn Page:


For any questions or help gaining access, please contact Dorion Positano (